
Kyambura Gorge Lodge: Chimp Trekking with Uganda’s Best Luxury Hotel

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As I closely followed the ranger’s footsteps before me, the air thick with jungle humidity, rivulets of water running through the rocks beneath my boots, we searched the canopy. The troupe of Chimps was not far away. A wet pile of scat confirms it. There are about two dozen chimpanzees in this gorge. Kyambura Gorge. A split in the savannah where jungle and verdant green filled in the gaping crack. While most tourists prefer the 99% sighting rate of more habituated chimps in Kibale— we came here instead to see these elusive chimps and stay in Uganda’s best luxury hotel.

Kyambura Gorge Lodge: Uganda’s Best Luxury Hotel

The chimps in this gorge are unique. Thanks to decades of human encroachment and development, they have been isolated from their ancestors.

Now, they can’t leave the gorge and have adapted to call it their permanent home. The probability of finding them is about 2 in 3. Chimps, unlike gorillas, move fast and move within the tree tops. At this point, we had been searching for the better part of three hours, and some people in the group were getting hot and tired. The ranger stops, shifts the rifle around his back, and points out some Colobus Monkeys feeding in the nearby tree. We take a break overlooking the thick brown river where a veritable hippo nursery has developed. Little pink heads pop out of the murky water sporadically. It’s here we will call it quits. The elusive chimps of the Great Rift have evaded us today. 

But one day, these chimps will hopefully be easier to see. 

Our host, Kyambura Gorge Lodge, overlooks the valley just outside the boundaries of Queen Elizabeth National Park. They aren’t just a luxury property and safari company (but yes, they are both those things). They are also a cornerstone of conservation within this remote corner of Uganda. 

Moman Praveen, the owner of Volcanoes Safari & Kyambura Gorge Lodge, has started two incredible programs dedicated to animal conservation, and you can help…by staying at this wonderful lodge. 

Unfortunately, the Ugandan government is wildly corrupt. The president has been in office for 30 years, which puts Ugandans’ precious and unique wildlife in dire danger. Thankfully, Uganda is full of grassroots movements by locals who care for and appreciate the wildlife and environment within their country…without government incentive. 

Chimpanzee Re-Wilding 

The chimps isolated in the gorge are at risk of inbreeding and then extinction. This means we must get them out. Kyambura Gorge Lodge has begun developing a plan (in conjunction with Jane Goodall) to cultivate a re-wilded pathway connecting the gorge to their previous habitat. This project requires huge community involvement, and Kyambura Lodge is prepared to tackle it. 

We may not have seen Chimps but we did see lots of baby hippos.

While chimpanzee trekking has a higher success rate in other areas, one of the main reasons we came to this lodge is that the chimps here don’t see humans often enough to dilute their wild nature. It felt like the most natural way to see the apes, and the terrain of the lush rift is spectacularly beautiful.


Queen Elizabeth is, without a doubt, my favorite national park in Uganda. But I can only imagine what it was like 50 years ago. QENP used to hold more than 400 lions; today, it holds only 40. Kyambura Gorge Lodge assists in monitoring and accurately counting the predators within QENP so they can work to protect the remaining individuals. Previously, this was not something the government did, so they lost huge numbers of lions without even noticing.

one male lion looking at the camera

Visitors to the lodge can pay to go out with researchers and participate in lion monitoring. This is pretty much guaranteed to be the best safari of your life. 

Why You Should Consider Kyambura Gorge Lodge for Your Luxury Safari 

  • It’s Ugandan-owned & operated.
  • No one does more for conservation in Queen Elizabeth NP. 
  • Offers unique Chimp trekking experiences within the gorge. 
  • 5-star luxury villas with incredible amenities (like massage) included. 

I’ll let some photos of the lodge speak for themselves… 

Other Activities at Kyambura Gorge Lodge 

We stayed two jam-packed days at the lodge—it was nowhere near enough. We enjoyed expertly crafted local dishes, perfectly poured espresso, and crisp glasses of Sav Blanc poolside while we spotted exotic birds from the lounge chairs. You get a 60-minute massage each day and access to panoramic views of the valley below from the lounge. 

To say it was a decadent stay that exceeded expectations is holding back. Yes, it was luxurious beyond our wildest dreams, but it put conservation, community involvement, and education front and center—just as a good eco-hotel should. 

But Volcanoes Safari owns more than just the Kyambura Gorge Lodge.

Book Uganda’s Best Luxury Hotel Here

What our room looked like at the hotel. A giant four poster bed with white sheets and a wood and rattan room.

Other Volcanoes Safari Properties 

Volcanoes Safari actually has five different lodge locations, each with its own community and wildlife conservation projects. If your itinerary doesn’t take you to Queen Elizabeth National Park (silly), then you can try one of their other stays for an equally astounding experience that will leave you feeling good about where your money is going. 

READ MORE: You can find all their other properties here.

Kyambura Gorge Lodge is the single best place to stay in Queen Elizabeth National Park. For luxury and conservation’s sake. But understandably, not everyone can afford this kind of 5-star accommodation on their safari. In that case, check out my full guide for independent travelers to QENP to see a diverse array of accommodation options for all budgets! 

I hope I’ve convinced you that if you’re looking for sustainable luxury that’s good for Uganda and good for wildlife, Kyambura Gorge Lodge is the only place to be. 

Save Uganda’s Best Luxury Hotel For Later! 

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