The Colombian Amazon may be the least glamorous travel destination we have ever visited. It is also our most memorable. Most serene. Most awe-inspiring.
We felt so fortunate to experience the jungle the way we did. Covered in insects, completely at the mercy of our guide Armando, and sleeping on a floating hammock in the depths of the rainforest.

Not everyone’s cup of tea I’m sure but for us…
Pure Magic.
Something that no resort or eco-tour can give you. Moments alone in the jungle. Truly out on a limb and roughing it. With nothing but the soaring macaws and chirping caiman to keep you company.
Read our entire story published on

And if your planning a visit yourself make sure to check out my complete guide to backpacking the Colombian Amazon!
Extending Your Trip Beyond the Amazon? Here are Some Blogs to Help You Plan.
- 8 Things to do in Cartagena Outside the Walled City
- Isolte: Visiting the World’s Most Densely Populated Island
- Mercado De Bazurto + My Anthony Bourdain Moment
- Exploring the Stunning Colombian Caribbean Coastline
- Guatapé: More than a Day Trip
- Medellin: The City of Eternal Spring
- Bogota: Colombia’s Misty Mountain Capital
- Visiting the Amazon Rainforest on a Budget

June 29, 2019 at 10:18 amIm not gonna lie, you nearly lost me at the covered with insects, but it sounds like such an incredible experience!
July 2, 2019 at 3:53 pmIf I had known about the bugs ahead of time I may have changed my mind haha but I am so glad I went for it and conquered my fears! One of my top travel experiences so far.